This class reviews the history of the trade union movement in North America through legislation. We will discuss the threats to Unions and organized labor, and the options our members have in response to various situations on the job and within the community.
This class is typically scheduled to be held at the various District Union Halls.
Please click on the “Classes” tab to view the currently scheduled classes at each training site.
“At A Glance” shows you a class description, and the classes are listed in the order they are scheduled in. You may filter to see only classes held at your choice of training site, and you may search for specific classes.
The “Calendar” view shows the classes on a calendar page, and you may click on the name of a class to get a description. The calendar may also be filtered to the training site of your choice.
Please CALL the training site of choice or use the OOE APPRENTICESHIP APP** in order to sign-up for any of the classes you see.
**The Apprenticeship App is separate from the Local 18 app.